A Musical Jouney in the Eastern Townships

A Musical Jouney in the Eastern Townships

Discover our classical concerts throughout the Eastern Townships!

Get a 10% discount on the purchase of 2 concerts, 15% for 3 concerts and 20% for 4 concerts or more through our network of presenters.

From concert to concert, meet extraordinary artists in magnificent venues across the region.

Depending on your tastes, the time you have at hand, and your desires for escapades, it’s up to you to establish your own circuits, multiply your musical adventures and obtain the associated discounts.

Throughout the year, plan your musical outings in the concert hall, where it really happens, and hit the road… La Route des Concerts!

How it works: for the promotion to apply, concerts must be purchased in a single transaction. After selecting your first concert, you can continue shopping to add more concerts. When you're ready, click on your shopping cart in the top right-hand corner and you'll be able to pay for all your concerts at once. You'll see the discount displayed when you place your order.