El Caracol: The Musical Universe of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695)
Ensemble Scholastica presents

El Caracol: The Musical Universe of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695)

Virtual Event
November 26th 2021
8:00 pm – 9:30 pm / Doors: 6:00 pm (EST)
Thepointofsale.com acts as an agent for Ensemble Scholastica in the context of online display and ticket sales of their events.
For more info about this event, please contact the event organizer, Ensemble Scholastica, at info@ensemblescholastica.ca.

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This special event will present the work of visionary 17th century nun Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, the “Phoenix of Mexico.” Our work on this repertoire is an extension of our continued exploration of the music of historical female monasteries, including those of New France. The concert will be preceded (at 6:30 pm) by a conference on this important literary and historical figure and her music by musicologist John Lazos. For the performance, our singers will be joined by guest musicians Esteban la Rotta (vihuela and baroque guitar), Marie-Laurence Primeau (viola de gamba, flutes), Nick Capozzoli (organ), and Miguel Medina (percussion).

WEBCAST VERSION OF LIVE CONCERT (live version only -- on demand ticketing coming soon)!

For in-person tickets please click here: https://thepointofsale.com/tickets/scholastica-caracol

Checking availabilities...

This special event will present the work of visionary 17th century nun Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, the “Phoenix of Mexico.” Our work on this repertoire is an extension of our continued exploration of the music of historical female monasteries, including those of New France. The concert will be preceded (at 6:30 pm) by a conference on this important literary and historical figure and her music by musicologist John Lazos. For the performance, our singers will be joined by guest musicians Esteban la Rotta (vihuela and baroque guitar), Marie-Laurence Primeau (viola de gamba, flutes), Nick Capozzoli (organ), and Miguel Medina (percussion).

WEBCAST VERSION OF LIVE CONCERT (live version only -- on demand ticketing coming soon)!

For in-person tickets please click here: https://thepointofsale.com/tickets/scholastica-caracol

Ensemble Scholastica
