Naxx Bitota (RD Congo - Qc) with Oluwa Banjo (Cameroun - Qc)
37th Edition, Festival International Nuits d'Afrique presents

Naxx Bitota (RD Congo - Qc) with Oluwa Banjo (Cameroun - Qc)

In-person Event
July 11th 2023
11:00 pm – 12:00 am / Doors: 10:00 pm

4372 Boulevard Saint-Laurent, Montréal, QC, Canada
For more information about this event, please contact Productions Nuits d'Afrique at

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Naxx Bitota’s joyful spirit embodies the strength and splendour of the Congolese woman. Her Sebene-style rumba frequently takes centre stage, with long, improvised guitar sequences, flirting with the Mutuashi rhythm. But Naxx Bitota always adds her personal touch infused modern Afro-pop, making it all irresistible.

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Naxx Bitota’s joyful spirit embodies the strength and splendour of the Congolese woman. Her Sebene-style rumba frequently takes centre stage, with long, improvised guitar sequences, flirting with the Mutuashi rhythm. But Naxx Bitota always adds her personal touch infused modern Afro-pop, making it all irresistible.

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