One More Time With Feeling in 3D
Cinéma Le Clap presents

One More Time With Feeling in 3D

In-person Event
September 8th 2016
9:00 pm / Doors: 8:15 pm

2360, chemin Sainte-Foy, Centre Innovation, Québec, QC, Canada
For more information about this event, please contact Cinéma Le Clap Sainte-Foy at

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Présenté 24 heures avant la sortie du nouvel album de Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELING sera projeté le 8 septembre prochain. Intitulé Skeleton Tree, le nouvel album de Nick Cave paraitra le 9 septembre en magasin. Voici l’occasion unique de découvrir les chansons de son nouvel opus avant tout le monde!

Originalement conceptualisé autour d’une seule performance, ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELINGest devenu un projet d’ampleur lorsque le réalisateur Andrew Dominik s’est joint au projet. On doit à ce réalisateur d’exception les filmsChopper et The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Entremêlant une série de captations de performances musicales à des entrevues et des séquences libres tournées par Dominik, le film est narré par Nick Cave lui-même, dévoilant au passage le processus artistique et l’événement tragique qui marqué la création de l’album.

Tourné en 3D et en 2D, alternant des séquences en noir et blanc à des séquences en couleur, le film déploie une approche documentaire alliant la force résiliente du chanteur avec sa fragilité et la franchise qu’on lui reconnaît.


Feature film ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELING will screen in cinemas for one night only on 8th September, launching the new Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds album Skeleton Tree.

The first opportunity anyone will have to hear any of the songs from the new Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds album, Skeleton Tree, will be to watch the feature film ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELING, directed by Andrew Dominik (ChopperThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert FordKilling Them Softly). The film will be shown in more than 650 cinemas worldwide on 8th September 2016, immediately prior to the release of Skeleton Tree the following day.

Originally a performance based concept, ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELING evolved into something much more significant as Dominik delved into the tragic backdrop of the writing and recording of the album. Interwoven throughout the Bad Seeds’ filmed performance of the new album are interviews and footage shot by Dominik, accompanied by Cave’s intermittent narration and improvised rumination.

Filmed in black-and-white and colour, in both 3D and 2D, the result is stark, fragile and raw. Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds’ sixteenth studio album, Skeleton Tree, will be released globally on vinyl, CD and across all digital platforms on 9th September 2016. The album began its journey in late 2014 at Retreat Studios, Brighton, with further sessions at La Frette Studios, France in autumn 2015. The album was mixed at AIR Studios, London in early 2016.

Up to 1 day before the event starts
Up to 1 day before the event starts
Free for children
Free for 2 years old and under
Access for persons with mobility impairment
Free for Accompanying Person
Checking availabilities...

Présenté 24 heures avant la sortie du nouvel album de Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELING sera projeté le 8 septembre prochain. Intitulé Skeleton Tree, le nouvel album de Nick Cave paraitra le 9 septembre en magasin. Voici l’occasion unique de découvrir les chansons de son nouvel opus avant tout le monde!

Originalement conceptualisé autour d’une seule performance, ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELINGest devenu un projet d’ampleur lorsque le réalisateur Andrew Dominik s’est joint au projet. On doit à ce réalisateur d’exception les filmsChopper et The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Entremêlant une série de captations de performances musicales à des entrevues et des séquences libres tournées par Dominik, le film est narré par Nick Cave lui-même, dévoilant au passage le processus artistique et l’événement tragique qui marqué la création de l’album.

Tourné en 3D et en 2D, alternant des séquences en noir et blanc à des séquences en couleur, le film déploie une approche documentaire alliant la force résiliente du chanteur avec sa fragilité et la franchise qu’on lui reconnaît.


Feature film ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELING will screen in cinemas for one night only on 8th September, launching the new Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds album Skeleton Tree.

The first opportunity anyone will have to hear any of the songs from the new Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds album, Skeleton Tree, will be to watch the feature film ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELING, directed by Andrew Dominik (ChopperThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert FordKilling Them Softly). The film will be shown in more than 650 cinemas worldwide on 8th September 2016, immediately prior to the release of Skeleton Tree the following day.

Originally a performance based concept, ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELING evolved into something much more significant as Dominik delved into the tragic backdrop of the writing and recording of the album. Interwoven throughout the Bad Seeds’ filmed performance of the new album are interviews and footage shot by Dominik, accompanied by Cave’s intermittent narration and improvised rumination.

Filmed in black-and-white and colour, in both 3D and 2D, the result is stark, fragile and raw. Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds’ sixteenth studio album, Skeleton Tree, will be released globally on vinyl, CD and across all digital platforms on 9th September 2016. The album began its journey in late 2014 at Retreat Studios, Brighton, with further sessions at La Frette Studios, France in autumn 2015. The album was mixed at AIR Studios, London in early 2016.

Up to 1 day before the event starts
Up to 1 day before the event starts
Free for children
Free for 2 years old and under
Access for persons with mobility impairment
Free for Accompanying Person

Business Hours

9:30 am – 10:00 pm
9:30 am – 10:00 pm
9:30 am – 10:00 pm
9:30 am – 10:00 pm
9:30 am – 10:00 pm
9:30 am – 10:00 pm
9:30 am – 10:00 pm