Longueuil Comique Fest presents

Tales of gender affirmation

In-person Event
July 13th 2024
9:00 pm – 10:00 pm / Doors: 8:45 pm

900, boul. Taschereau, Longueuil, QC, Canada
For more information about this event, please contact Groupe Les Lou inc. at admin@comiquefest.com.

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 Tales of Gender Affirmation is a comedy storytelling showcase of trans, non-binary, queer and gender non-conforming comedians!!! Comedians perform stand up & storytelling comedy routines about living their life out as their true gender identity!  Funny stories told at the shows include dealing with dating, sex, clothes shopping for the right clothing, family, and doctors visits! Things we all relate to.  Trans and gender diverse people just take an extra step to live as themselves like everybody else. We're all searching for happiness in life and to be ourselves! At the end of the day these funny stories and jokes about gender identity from gender diverse people surprise audiences, because they are so relatable in shared experiences.

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Access for persons with mobility impairment
Free for Accompanying Person
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 Tales of Gender Affirmation is a comedy storytelling showcase of trans, non-binary, queer and gender non-conforming comedians!!! Comedians perform stand up & storytelling comedy routines about living their life out as their true gender identity!  Funny stories told at the shows include dealing with dating, sex, clothes shopping for the right clothing, family, and doctors visits! Things we all relate to.  Trans and gender diverse people just take an extra step to live as themselves like everybody else. We're all searching for happiness in life and to be ourselves! At the end of the day these funny stories and jokes about gender identity from gender diverse people surprise audiences, because they are so relatable in shared experiences.

No refunds
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Access for persons with mobility impairment
Free for Accompanying Person

Stationnement gratuit sur les terrains du Collège Charles-Lemoyne et de la clinique pédagoqique DÉCCLIC.

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