GEL - Initiate - Fraud - Glowing Orb - Java
good shows presents

GEL - Initiate - Fraud - Glowing Orb - Java

In-person Event
November 13th 2023
7:30 pm – 11:00 pm / Doors: 7:00 pm

87 Ste-Catherine Est, Montréal, QC, Canada acts as an agent for good shows in the context of online display and ticket sales of their events.
For more info about this event, please contact the event organizer, good shows, at

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good shows presentent:

GEL - New Jersey

Initiate - California

Fraud - Boston

Glowing Orb - Montreal

Java - Montreal

Billets en vente maintenant // Tickets on sale now

Foufounes Électriques

87 St Catherine E

Lundi Le 13 Novembre 2023

18+ 19h Portes

No refunds
Checking availabilities...

good shows presentent:

GEL - New Jersey

Initiate - California

Fraud - Boston

Glowing Orb - Montreal

Java - Montreal

Billets en vente maintenant // Tickets on sale now

Foufounes Électriques

87 St Catherine E

Lundi Le 13 Novembre 2023

18+ 19h Portes

No refunds

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