Encuentro internacional de cronistas
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Crónica is the OG of Latin American literary genres, dating back to Christopher Columbus's log in 1492. Four cronistas present their latest work and share their investigative and creative journey: Pulitzer Prize winner Cristina Rivera Garza (Mexico), Felipe Restrepo Pombo (Colombia), Juana Libedinsky (Argentina), and Rafael Osio
Cabrices (Venezuela). La crónica es la hermana mayor de la literatura latinoamericana desde el diario de Colón de 1492. Cuatro maestros del género presentan su obra más reciente y comparten su viaje de investigación y creación: la flamante ganadora del Pulitzer Cristina Rivera Garza (México), Felipe Restrepo Pombo (Colombia), Juana Libedinsky (Argentina) y Rafael Osío Cabrices (Venezuela).
With support from the Fundación Gabo and the Embassy of Colombia in Ottawa.
- Refunds
- Until the event starts
- Access for persons with mobility impairment
- Yes
Crónica is the OG of Latin American literary genres, dating back to Christopher Columbus's log in 1492. Four cronistas present their latest work and share their investigative and creative journey: Pulitzer Prize winner Cristina Rivera Garza (Mexico), Felipe Restrepo Pombo (Colombia), Juana Libedinsky (Argentina), and Rafael Osio
Cabrices (Venezuela). La crónica es la hermana mayor de la literatura latinoamericana desde el diario de Colón de 1492. Cuatro maestros del género presentan su obra más reciente y comparten su viaje de investigación y creación: la flamante ganadora del Pulitzer Cristina Rivera Garza (México), Felipe Restrepo Pombo (Colombia), Juana Libedinsky (Argentina) y Rafael Osío Cabrices (Venezuela).
With support from the Fundación Gabo and the Embassy of Colombia in Ottawa.
- Refunds
- Until the event starts
- Access for persons with mobility impairment
- Yes
Transport collectif Public transportation
Métro Saint-Laurent – Ligne verte/Green line
Métro Sherbrooke – Ligne orange/Orange line
Autobus 24 ou/or 55 bus lines
Le transport collectif est le meilleur moyen pour
se rendre au Festival et se déplacer d’un site à l’autre.
Public transportation is the best way to get to
the Festival and from site to site.
Stationnement Parking
• Payant à l’intérieur de l’Hôtel10 Payable inside Hotel 10
• Dans les rues avoisinantes On the surrounding streets
Upcoming Events
From April 24th to 27th 2025Tous les lieux du Festival sauf exception, Montréal, QC
L’univers des arbres avec Éryck de Rubercy
April 24th 2025, 6:00 pmLibrairie Gallimard, Montréal, QC -
Les trois amours d’Alexis Jenni
April 24th 2025, 7:30 pmLibrairie Gallimard, Montréal, QC -
Professional Pass
April 25th 2025, 9:00 amL’Hotel 10, Montreal, QC