MARATHON: Peter Peter + Laurence-Anne
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For more info about this event, please contact the event organizer, Billetterie du Club Soda, at
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MARATHON festival and M for Montreal present Peter Peter + Laurence-Anne
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Doors: 7:30pm
Show: 8:30pm
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Laurence-Anne (8:30pm)
Peter Peter (9:30pm)
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Your pass gives you access to all shows presented as part of the MARATHON festival, but places for this event are limited.
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A festival by M for Montreal
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This event will be presented in the regular format, the public will be standing*.
*Seating may be available on the balcony, provided that it is open to the public.
- All ages -
- Refunds
- No refunds
- Exchanges
- No exchanges
- Free for children
- No free access
- Access for persons with mobility impairment
- Yes
- Free for Accompanying Person
- No
MARATHON festival and M for Montreal present Peter Peter + Laurence-Anne
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Doors: 7:30pm
Show: 8:30pm
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Laurence-Anne (8:30pm)
Peter Peter (9:30pm)
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Your pass gives you access to all shows presented as part of the MARATHON festival, but places for this event are limited.
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A festival by M for Montreal
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This event will be presented in the regular format, the public will be standing*.
*Seating may be available on the balcony, provided that it is open to the public.
- All ages -
- Refunds
- No refunds
- Exchanges
- No exchanges
- Free for children
- No free access
- Access for persons with mobility impairment
- Yes
- Free for Accompanying Person
- No
You can now reserve your parking space BEFORE your arrival in downtown Montreal, thanks to our new partner clicknpark.
For any questions, you can contact their customer service by email ( or phone (1-855-979-7275).
It is very important to read the information that will be sent to you.
Reserve your place now: clicknpark – Club Soda.
bio only available in french.
Il s’est autorisé une plongée sans filet. Abrasive et percutante, frontale et alliant dans un même élan beats concassés, chant irrigué d’une sensibilité fauve et panache. D’oscillations troubles en pulsations profondes, Peter Peter sonde les forces de la nappe sonore, impose le pouvoir de la mélodie aux battements par minute sans totalement se détourner du format chanson. Et érige Ether, son cinquième album comme une expérience immersive à son maximum d’intensité. Est-ce le passage encore brûlant à l’âge de la quarantaine qui a ordonné ce lâcher-prise ? Ou son récent mouvement géographique à destination de la ville de Québec, après un long crochet de huit ans à Paris et une escapade retour de deux ans à Montréal ? C’est en évitant en tout cas scrupuleusement les affrontements que le garçon se construit là un monde inédit, presque uniforme dans la démarche, plein de sursauts vitalisants et riche en déluges rythmiques.
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